Changing Belief Systems

Reference book: Awaken the Giant Within – The Master System

Author: Tony Robbins


Improve personal success


It is not the events of our life that shape us but our beliefs as to what those events mean. Most of our beliefs are generalizations about our past, based on our interpretations of painful and pleasurable experiences. Beliefs have the power to create and power to destroy.

Belief is the feeling of certainty of something. E.g. I believe I am intelligent. I believe I can never be rich. I believe I can be successful if I work hard.

Whenever we believe in something, we don’t question it.

All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs.

To change a belief, you need to

  • associate the belief to massive pain/loss
  • create doubt – by questioning the belief
  • Obtain new experiences

This tool helps you discard disempowering beliefs with new empowering beliefs that will change your life.



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